After reading this blog a friend recently asked if I have regrets about the move to England.
Yes, I regret not making the move much earlier in my career. I should have packed my bags before the current recession which unfortunately began a few months after my arrival in England. I would have been through the border before the endless tightening of the immigration rules for non-EU migrants by the British government
I should have moved when it was possible to get a mortgage with nothing down.
So my response to the question is clearly ‘NO’. At the moment I have none whatsoever. Not only did I weather the storm, my family now have dual nationality and my angels have access to healthcare, quality education and security that greedy politicians back home can only dream of.
Individual circumstances and preferences differ and the next man may after careful consideration reject the idea of starting over in a strange land and leaving friends and family behind.
The blog is not about regrets at all, in an earlier post I stated the reason for the blog. Readers may know someone planning a move to UK /Europe, or may themselves someday be faced with the decision themselves. My wish is that the blog would serve as a free source of information and reference point on the subject.
The aim of the blog would have been achieved if it succeeds in helping just one person enjoy a hassle-free move to UK or assists another make an informed decision not to make the UK his home.
Yes, I regret not making the move much earlier in my career. I should have packed my bags before the current recession which unfortunately began a few months after my arrival in England. I would have been through the border before the endless tightening of the immigration rules for non-EU migrants by the British government
I should have moved when it was possible to get a mortgage with nothing down.
So my response to the question is clearly ‘NO’. At the moment I have none whatsoever. Not only did I weather the storm, my family now have dual nationality and my angels have access to healthcare, quality education and security that greedy politicians back home can only dream of.
Individual circumstances and preferences differ and the next man may after careful consideration reject the idea of starting over in a strange land and leaving friends and family behind.

The aim of the blog would have been achieved if it succeeds in helping just one person enjoy a hassle-free move to UK or assists another make an informed decision not to make the UK his home.